Newborn Photography

I Tried AI Newborn Photography and it was a Game Changer…

This blog post was authored by Bree M., mom to Theo

When my son was born, I spent a pretty penny on professional newborn photos. While I waited several weeks for my photos to be edited, I decided to try an AI-generated newborn photoshoot too. I simply didn’t want to wait til my newborn was no longer a newborn, to get his professional pictures. Here’s why it was one of the best decisions I made:

Photo of my newborn son that I made using Honeycomb Baby AI's newborn photography feature

One of my many favorite photos from Theo’s AI newborn photoshoot

The Traditional Newborn Photos

  • The Scheduling Headache: Little did I know how hard it would be to get an appointment close enough to my due date. I had to contact several photographers before I found a date that worked, just to have to reschedule when my son was born early. It was a nightmare amidst our already packed schedule of pediatrician visits. Coordinating with the photographer was just another stressor.

  • Sleep-Deprived Chaos: In the early weeks, we were running on fumes. Learning to care for a newborn while sleep-deprived was hard enough without having to prepare for a lengthy photo session. The idea of leaving the house for several hours was daunting.

  • Postpartum Realities: Postpartum recovery is no joke. Between the bleeding, discomfort, and general exhaustion, getting baby ready for a photoshoot (and getting myself presentable enough to leave the house) was the last thing I wanted to do. I felt far from baby being camera-ready, and the whole process felt overwhelming.

  • Unpredictable Baby: Our baby was fussy during the shoot (let’s be real…when is he not fussy), needing constant feeding and changes. He hated being undressed and re-dressed, and the photographer had to frequently pause to reset the scene. The unpredictability made it hard to capture good photos.

The AI Newborn Photos

  • Ease and Convenience: I could upload photos for the AI anytime, without needing to leave the house or adhere to a schedule. This flexibility was invaluable during those early days.

  • Quick Turnaround: The AI-generated photos were ready before baby’s next feeding. No waiting weeks or months for edits – I had beautiful, professional-quality photos almost instantly.

  • Cost-Effective: The cost was a mere fraction of what I paid for the professional shoot. I could create as many photos as I wanted without worrying about the expense. Don’t ask me how my husband reacted when I told him how much our professional newborn photos cost…needless to say he loved how cheap the AI photos were.

  • No Stress: There was no need to worry about my baby’s mood or cooperation. The AI ensured amazing photos regardless of any fussiness, and it gave me tons of them so I could pick the best ones.

The AI-generated newborn photos were so hassle-free, affordable, and a quick alternative to the traditional newborn photos I paid an arm and a leg for. And I can’t say the “real” photos turned out that much better than the AI photos…with the real photoshoot we actually had to take more raw shots just to get a few standouts, whereas with the AI photos I got more hits than misses. In the AI photos he looked calm and content whereas he was either sleeping or fussing in our “real” newborn photos. If you don’t have the budget to experiment with both methods of newborn photography, give the AI newborn photos a try — you won’t regret it!

Honeycomb was built by moms to help busy parents get professional baby photos on a budget. Using AI, we transform everyday photos of your kid into stunning photoshoots for every milestone and holiday. Get your baby’s AI photos today!