Newborn Photography

From Newborn Photographer to AI Convert: How I Embraced AI Photography

This blog post was authored by Elisha L., family photographer and mom of three

As a professional newborn photographer, I took pride in capturing those precious early moments for families. I believed nothing could replace the artistry of a traditional photoshoot. However, my perspective changed dramatically after I discovered AI for newborn photography.

Initial Skepticism

When I first heard about using AI for photo generation, I was skeptical. Could technology really match the skill and nuance of a seasoned photographer? I doubted it. My fellow industry peers denounced AI. Yet, curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to give it a try. After all, I spend the minority of my time behind the lens and the majority of my time in Photoshop and Lightroom editing the actual photos. I went into photography to become a photographer but most of the time I am a photo editor. What’s the worst that could happen with AI photos?

The First AI Experiment

I started by uploading a few photos from a particularly challenging session where the baby was fussy and the parents were exhausted. It was really hard to get a good shot and I felt pretty bad that they didn’t have many good photos to choose from besides the composites that I had to heavily edit. So I uploaded a few of the raw newborn photos into the AI. The results stunned me. The AI transformed the images into serene, beautifully composed shots that rivaled my best work! The photos looked natural and flawless, capturing the essence of the newborn perfectly. I still had to edit some flaws out, but I was overall so pleased to be able to get this family more than what they were able to achieve at their actual photoshoot.

Honeycomb makes the best AI generated newborn photography. As a newborn photographer I can't stop using this AI baby photo editor for my newborn pictures

Would you have guessed that AI made this newborn photo from me? This was one of the more difficult newborn photoshoots I’d had to do recently, and the best shots I could get her disappointed mom and dad were all made using Honeycomb’s AI

Why I Embraced AI Photography

After much experimentation and being so busy with three kids of my own, I’ve now become an AI photography convert, especially for newborn photography.

  • Efficiency: AI saved me countless hours of editing. The instant results meant I could deliver high-quality photos to my clients much faster.

  • Stress-Free Sessions: With AI, there’s no pressure to get every shot perfect during the session. Knowing that AI can enhance and correct photos alleviates stress for both me and the new parents.

  • Creative Flexibility: AI offered endless creative possibilities. I could experiment with different themes and styles without the constraints of a physical photoshoot setup.

  • Affordability for Clients: AI photography made professional-quality photos accessible to more families. It allowed me to offer more affordable packages without compromising on quality.

Continued Use and Success

Now, I incorporate AI into all my newborn sessions. It has become an invaluable tool in my workflow. I can focus more on capturing genuine moments, knowing that if I miss any particular shot or want to explore a more creative direction but lack the props, I can use the AI for it.

For any photographer or parent hesitant about AI, I encourage you to give it a try. It doesn’t replace the human touch but enhances it, making beautiful newborn photos more attainable for everyone. AI has revolutionized my approach to photography, and I couldn’t be more thrilled with the results.

Honeycomb was built by moms to help busy parents get professional baby photos on a budget. Using AI, we transform everyday photos of your kid into stunning photoshoots for every milestone and holiday. Get your baby’s AI photos today!