Newborn Photography

I Used AI to “Hack” My Newborn Photoshoot and No One Noticed

This blog post was authored by Emily W., mom to Nathan and Alexander

As a tech-savvy mom, I’m always on the lookout for innovative solutions to everyday challenges. You bet I have tested the smart bassinet, the smart baby monitors that automatically capture moments, and all of the smart nightlights on the market. And of course I’m on the waitlist for the self-driving stroller. So when I was pregnant with my second son and discovered AI could do my newborn photoshoot for me, I couldn’t resist giving it a try.

the best hack for doing your newborn photos yourself is Honeycomb's AI newborn photography editor

Here’s just one of the many amazing newborn photos of my baby Alex that the AI made for me

Instant Results

In today’s fast-paced world, waiting weeks for professional photo edits felt outdated. With my son’s AI photoshoot I got back a ton of high-quality images within minutes. This was perfect for sharing my baby's “professional” photos with family and friends almost instantly, keeping everyone in the loop. No one even questioned whether the photos were “real” and a mom friend even texted “you got your newborn photos back so fast!”

Seamless Integration with My Schedule

The professional newborn photo I did with my first son required extensive planning and coordination, which was difficult with a newborn’s unpredictable schedule, or rather lack thereof. Now that my first is a highly opinionated and demanding toddler, newborn life is even harder than it was before. I didn’t even humor the thought of dragging the whole family to a professional photoshoot. The AI photoshoot allowed me to do my newborn photos from the comfort of my home, without worrying about coordinating with the family’s schedule or squeezing ourselves into a photographer’s busy timetable.

Creativity and Variety

One of the best parts of using AI for my newborn’s photos was the creative freedom. I could experiment with different themes and styles effortlessly, producing unique photos that no one else has. I could see him in a traditional newborn photoshoot style, or as a superhero or astronaut…there were so many fun themes that I never could get from a real photoshoot. This ability to explore and pull the slot machine not knowing what photos I’d get was perfect for an early adopter like me who loves to experiment with new technologies.

Affordable Quality

Professional newborn photoshoots are notoriously expensive. With all the costs associated with a new baby, finding a more budget-friendly option that was also a ton of fun was a huge plus. The AI newborn photos provided high-quality results at a fraction of the cost. Since I’ve been following the tech and AI space I wasn’t surprised by the defects or the weird hands which are still to be expected, and there were enough really standout photos for me to love them even though I had to sort through a few duds to find my favorites. It’s cheaper than the cost of any baby gear, and so much more fun to experience.

In Summary

For tech-savvy moms like me, these AI-generated newborn photos are a game-changer. If you love testing new things and want to capture your newborn’s looks without the hassle and expense, give AI photos a whirl — you may be surprised by the outcome!

Honeycomb was built by moms to help busy parents get professional baby photos on a budget. Using AI, we transform everyday photos of your kid into stunning photoshoots for every milestone and holiday. Get your baby’s AI photos today!