Baby Tips for New Parents

Burp Your Baby Fast with The Butt Wiggle Trick

There are many ways to burp a baby, and patting them on the back isn't the only method. One lesser-known, fun technique is to gently wiggle baby’s butt. This can be a great way to mix up your burping routine and help your baby release trapped gas faster than the classic burping methods.

3 Steps:

  1. Lean Baby on Your Chest: Hold your baby against your chest, resting their head on your shoulder.

  2. Support Baby’s Bum: Use one hand to cup baby’s bum.

  3. Gently Wiggle: Gently wiggle their butt with your cupped hand.

Additional Tips

  • Frequent Burping: Burp your baby during and after feedings to prevent gas buildup.

  • Watch for Signs of Gassiness: Look for signs that your baby needs to burp, such as fussiness or pulling away during feeding.

  • Keep Baby Upright: Keep your baby upright for a few minutes after feeding to help any remaining air escape.

More Parenting Tips

Now that you know how to burp your baby fast, check out these other how-to guides to make taking care of baby just a little easier:

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