Baby Tips for New Parents

Trick to Instantly Soothe Your Fussy Baby

Babies can be especially fussy during the witching hour, typically between 5 PM and 11 PM. This is when they are often most difficult to soothe. To soothe a fussy baby, try the superman hold — a popular technique especially for dads.

Steps to the Superman Hold:

  1. Position Your Baby: Lay your baby face down along your forearm, either with their head near your elbow and their legs straddling your hand, or with their head in your palm and their legs straddling the crook of your elbow.

  2. Support: Use your other hand to support your baby's torso.

  3. Gentle Motion: Walk around or gently sway or pulse up and down to provide a soothing motion.

Why It Works:

  • Pressure on Stomach: The gentle pressure on the stomach can help relieve gas and colic.

  • Comforting Motion: The gentle swaying or walking motion can help calm your baby and make them feel secure.

@honeycombapp_ Baby fussing? Witching hour? The superman hold is a tried and true hack that works like a charm to soothe our fussy newborn! This is especially popular among dads who tend to have longer forearms than mom. #newmom #firsttimemom #firsttimeparent #newparents #newdad #newmomtips #honeycombparentadvice #newborntips #babytips #momhacks ♬ Cheeky Little Monkey - Samard, Claude

Additional Tips

  • Stay Calm: Your baby can sense your emotions, so try to stay calm and relaxed even when they’re fussing.

  • Try Different Movements: Experiment with gentle bouncing, swaying, or walking to find what soothes your baby best.

  • Other Soothing Methods: During the witching hour, you can also try white noise, a warm bath, or swaddling to help calm your baby. Sometimes a chance of scenery can help — many parents report that bringing baby outside for some fresh air instantly soothed their fussy little one.

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